A non-profit organization helping students commence their education
  • Which community do we serve?
    We serve the underprivileged children by providing them financial support to complete their higher education. We truly believe that education can make everything better for an individual as well as the society. Our aim is to enable youth to become part of the society.
  • Good Support
    We help underprivileged children studying in schools by creating a digital classroom in their own school which helps them get the resources and information which are delivered through technology. This time we are also partnering with Suraaga Technologies to bring these students an e-learning platform too.
Helping underprivileged children during COVID-19
Our project: Helping underprivileged children studying in the SES high school (a nonprofit school) by providing devices to the students so they can continue education through the online platform. Also bringing them an online platform CRI.AI by Partnering with Suraaga Technologies.
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Empowering women
Our project: Focusing on financial wellness and financial security for women by starting with encouraging more women to take the lead and learn to do small things such as filing taxes, paying off bills, etc. As well as encouraging more women to be independent and pay their own credit card bills. As women employment rates grow, managing finances is also something that should be worked upon in order to close the financial literacy gap.
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