About the initiative
Empowering women to be more financially independent and reducing the financial literacy gap between men and women.

An initiative by Raaga Suravarapu (Oakridge International School student)
Financial wellness is generally defined as having habits and knowledge about money that lead to financial security and the ability to weather an unexpected emergency expense. Starting with encouraging more women to take the lead and learn to do small things such as filing taxes, paying off bills, etc. This would, hopefully, encourage more women to be independent and pay their own credit card bills. As women's employment rates grow, managing finances is also something that should be worked upon in order to close the financial literacy gap.

Researching current statistics and ways to reduce the financial literacy gap. Also, designing a solution for the current issue. Starting with encouraging more women to take the lead and learn to do small things such as filing taxes, paying off bills, etc. In order for about 80% to achieve this goal in the United States, in the near future, we would have to make an effort to change.
1. Product
Designing a financial management guide for women in specific through which women can learn to manage finances and be independent

2. Spreading awareness
Regarding the issue through blog writing as well as awareness events for women